Communication “Languages”

Yes, i know that sounds redundant but bear with me.

I’m hoping you’ve heard of the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman (you can find it on YouTube if you haven’t read the book). In it he describes the various languages of love and advises that you need to figure out what your primary language is as well as that of the people you are close to (not just romantically). They are
– words of affirmation
– acts of service
– receiving gifts
– quality time
– physical touch

Reading this book explained so much that used to confuse me and was extremely helpful.

But, recently I’ve been confused in some of my “friendships” — wondering whether these people want to continue to be my friends (real friends, not “Facebook friends”.

Of course, there had been no arguments, no disagreements, no falling out etc.. Nothing. So what was making me uncomfortable?

I finally figured out that in this day and age, it’s essential that you know another person’s “communication language” – in other words, how do they prefer to interact with you.

When i was growing up and through most of my adult life, you interacted with a friend in one of three ways – in person, by phone or by letter. After about 1995 the “letter” part was subdivided into the infamous “snail mail” and “email”.

Fast forward 20-25 years and the entire realm of possibility has exploded.

I had realized that each person has a preference and that just because their preference wasn’t the same as mine didn’t mean they didn’t want to be friends. This was a big eye opener. Once again, it has to do with getting out of the “it’s all about me” mode that we so often catch ourselves in.

Here’s what I came up with and it explained to me what “happened” and “where did my friends go”…lol

First off here are the communication languages I came up with:

– Face to face (in person)
– phone
– Text
– Messenger
– Social media posts
– email
– letter (snail mail)
– facetime/zoom

I have to start off by saying I absolutely despise the phone but that’s a long childhood “social phobia” of sorts. I need to see a person, their facial expressions, where they are looking, do they look bored, yawning, looking at their phone etc.. This is all part of my hypervigilance but it makes initiating phone calls very difficult.

My first preference is email. I think a lot of this comes from my working nights for so many years. It’s also because I know you can not read something i write or delete it and i won’t see you doing it. It’s better than being rejected on a phone call or even text. I can read your email when i am able and respond when I’m able and will also be able to think about what I’m writing (I don’t think fast on my feet).

Text is in there as second but for short exchanges.

Since the pandemic, I have learned to be ok with zoom but that is not high on my list because it involves planning for two (or more, God forbid) people to figure out when they are both available, and then if they are tired, well, they’re obligated, blah blah blah. Just send me an email. I know there are advantages to “zooming” and I’m grateful that it became so popular during the pandemic.

Communicating via social media posts to me is not even really an option. it’s like inviting the whole world into the girl’s locker room to listen in on your conversations????

In person is great but everyone’s so busy these days that you just never find the time to get together and that’s unfortunate.

Letters are also very special too and I love people who take the time to write them. But if you have a question or need advice and “need it now” (in our world of instant gratification), then snail mail won’t cut the mustard anymore. It is excellent, though, for showing people you care because people don’t want to admit it but they love to get cards and letters.

Then there’s messenger…wow… to me, messenger is like Twitter but generally privately. Now, the group chat function of messenger is pretty good and I’ve used it a couple of times but it is now being used by every “group” or page you belong to and to me, that’s annoying (yeah, i know I’m a curmudgeon). I have a lot of difficulty sitting around waiting for you to answer me when we are interacting. I don’t mind waiting if i sent you a message late at night. i don’t expect you to read it then. but to “catch up” about what’s going on in your love life or work or over the past 40 years – no way. it’s write something, wait, wait, wait, then read a sentence, then ask another question or make a comment, then wait wait wait and on and on and on….

So, each has it’s place for me and now that I have figured this out, It’s my job to figure out what works for others and if they matter to me (and if they didn’t, why am I writing this?), learn what works for them and do my best to accommodate. But more importantly to NOT JUDGE if their “language” is not the same as mine.

Life is always intriguing!

When You Need It, It Will Be There….

How true this is. After 3 months of not walking long distances, I finally got an answer about my foot. Turns out it wasn’t a stress fracture but an unusual location for plantar fasciitis (there are three bands of the plantar fascia and mine is involving the lateral band – now that you’re asleep)…

I’d rather have a stress fracture because that has a much greater chance of healing. But, alas, that isn’t what happened.

So, after an injection and a referral to physical therapy I left the orthopedist’s office disappointed and not knowing what I was going to do. “You should stay away from the distances for about 3 weeks” he said – even knowing that I had a race beginning in about 3 1/2 weeks. It’s just a 4 day (actually 100 hours) race but I haven’t been able to do any of the events I’d signed up for yet. So much for my summer race schedule training plan. There hasn’t been any training.

Despondent I just decided to take today to do odd things I had to get done as I wallowed in my despair.

Part of my morning routine, however, is to listen to Brian Cain’s Mental Performance Mastery podcast and today was no different. He was talking about elite mindsets and listed 10 of them and upon hearing this one, my attitude changed.


I shouldn’t have needed his podcast to remind me of this as I talk about adversity all the time. In another post I will tell you about what I’ve done for the past 3 months since I’ve not been posting much on Facebook.

I immediately countered my inner critic’s whining “I have been patient since November..this isn’t fair”, with “Well, we haven’t been patient long enough it seems so shut up.” and I chuckled.

There is good to come from this. As Dr. Gilbert always says “Out of this something good will happen” and as you know my mantra is extremely similar “Everything always works out for me.”

I realized it was time for me to practice what I have been preaching. I don’t need to make a decision today about the February race but I do need to keep the ultimate goal in mind. That also means I might have to choose just one of the two summer events – HOTS or Vol State. Again, though, I need not decide today. I just need to be patient and take it one day and one step at a time.

Resolution or Goal?

I have never been fond of making resolutions but didn’t really know why. The more I’ve studied mental discipline, though, I began to understand my discomfort better.

I recommend against making resolutions and transforming the things you’re not satisfied with into goals instead.

Here’s the definitions:

Resolution: “a promise to yourself to do or to not do something”

Goal: “the result or achievement toward which effort is directed”

What happens if you don’t keep a resolution? It’s as if you’re “breaking a promise”. What does that do to you emotionally? Nothing good. Since we often use resolutions to try to correct things we don’t like about ourelve (losing weight, making weak muscles strong, spending less money, etc.), this promise breaking can simply add to the bad feelings we have about ourselves. Our self-confidence takes another hit. How successful has that been in the past? Most of us have had enough degradation of our self-confidence in these areas that failing this time is simply hammering another nail in the coffin.

Goals, on the other hand, can always be revised. Let’s say you “resolve” to lose 30 pounds. That is way too open ended and the first time you have an office party or a dinner out or something that happens in all of our lives, you’ll begin to feel that the resolution can’t ever be kept. So, the next time you’re tempted, you think about your resolution to lose 30 pounds and think of it as overwhelming and you rapidly abandon it. You’ve now broken a promise to yourself. That is why the gyms are filled to the brim for the first 2-3 weeks of the year and then drop back to where they were before. That kind of resolution is too broad and doesn’t give your brain much to deal with as far as visualizing.

If you set a goal (properly) to lose 30 pounds it will be more specific. You’ve all heard about SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely) and you can Google that. To me, the most important part is the specific aspect. When do you think you can lose 30 pounds by? What do you base that on? Have you done that before? Is that going to be sustainable? Why would you want to take off 30 pounds and then put it back on which is what happens if this loss is done without consideration of your lifestyle.

But another aspect of goal achievement is constant review or at least periodic review. Let’s say you thought you could lose 30 pounds in a month because of all the TV ads that imply that’s easy. After 3-4 weeks, you realize that is unrealistic and although you’ve done well at revising your lifestyle and food intake, you’re not going to make it to the 30 pounds. But since what you’re doing IS working and has been easy to live with, you look at what you’ve done and then figure out when you can expect to have taken off the full 30 pounds. Or maybe you realize you don’t need to lose 30 but 20 would make you healthier and happier.

Review and revision is key. It allows you to eventually achieve your desired end point. Goals allow for that. Resolutions are, to me, a dead end.

I feel resolutions are too negative whereas goals instill the “I can do it” feeling. Achieving what you want depends so much on your feelings (your passion, not a “I don’t feel like it” feeling). Wouldn’t a positive framework do more to keep the flame of desire fanned?

Just my ramblings and thoughts.