When You Need It, It Will Be There….

How true this is. After 3 months of not walking long distances, I finally got an answer about my foot. Turns out it wasn’t a stress fracture but an unusual location for plantar fasciitis (there are three bands of the plantar fascia and mine is involving the lateral band – now that you’re asleep)… I’d rather have a stress fracture because that has a much greater chance of healing. But, alas, that isn’t what happened. So, after an injection and a referral to physical therapy I left the orthopedist’s office disappointed and not knowing what I was going to do. “You should stay away from the distances for about 3 weeks” he said – even knowing that I had a race beginning in about 3 1/2 weeks. It’s just a 4 day (actually 100 hours) race but I haven’t been able to do any of the events I’d signed up for yet. So much for my summer race schedule training plan. There hasn’t been any training. Despondent I just decided to take today to do odd things I had to get done as I wallowed in my despair. Part of my morning routine, however, is to listen to Brian Cain’s Mental Performance Mastery podcast and today was no different. He was talking about elite mindsets and listed 10 of them and upon hearing this one, my attitude changed. “STAY PATIENT IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY” I shouldn’t have needed his podcast to remind me of this as I talk about adversity all the time. In another post I will tell you about what I’ve done for the past 3 months since I’ve not been posting much on Facebook. I immediately countered my inner critic’s whining “I have been patient since November..this isn’t fair”, with “Well, we haven’t been patient long enough it seems so shut up.” and I chuckled. There is good to come from this. As Dr. Gilbert always says “Out of this something good will happen” and as you know my mantra is extremely similar “Everything always works out for me.” I realized it was time for me to practice what I have been preaching. I don’t need to make a decision today about the February race but I do need to keep the ultimate goal in mind. That also means I might have to choose just one of the two summer events – HOTS or Vol State. Again, though, I need not decide today. I just need to be patient and take it one day and one step at a time.

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