Please remember that it’s not really “politically correct” to say “Happy Memorial Day” for this is supposed to be a somber weekend. It’s to remember those who sacrificed their lives in service to their country. And there are many who have.
Even though it’s a “holiday” weekend, please remember that there are so many courageous men and women out there that have given everything they could so that you could feel and be safe and enjoy the weekend. There will be no more “happy” weekends for them or their families.
It’s ok to celebrate as long as a major part of your celebration is remembering these brave folks. It’s a great time to show your love for those military personnel and hospital/medical workers (ALL hospital/medical workers,and the first responders who risk their lives every day. These days our memories are short but let’s try to lengthen them this weekend.
As an aside I’d like for us all to realize how important EVERY single person’s job is. There is no place for demeaning another’s ‘station’ in life. Think where we’d have ended up this past year if the ‘housekeeping’ staff hadn’t been working this past year because their jobs were ‘not essential’. If you ask me, their jobs were more essential than most others. Think on that for a bit and then consider celebrating the professions of everyone around you that provides a service for you. Ever think how hard the person works who goes around checking water things with that long stick. He or she probably walks more miles every day than most ultra runners and in the heat and cold too. Not an easy job but we only pay attention to the water ‘people’ when our water bills are off, have a leak, or no water at all etc.. Think about them all the time. Every person is important and every job is important.
Enjoy the weekend while you remember those who gave their lives so you could.