Daily Gratitude: As I’ve grown older I’ve begun to have a more open mind. I lament that i wasn’t able to cultivate such a state long ago but rather than looking to the past, I am just enjoying this change. Don’t get me wrong, there are still plenty of doors and locked windows in this big old house that my brain inhabits. However, being able to calm my nervous system and entertain different points of view is a lot of fun and very rewarding. As soon as I find myself making a judgment about something i catch myself and ask a question of two. Perhaps its someone who has sat at the red light for “too long” after it turns greeen and gets to go while I’m stuck waiting for the next green light. As I start to seethe i take a deep breath and say to myself “ok, have you done that before?” of course the answer is yes 99% of the time. If i somehow slip by the prosecution for that offense, i then ask myself “do you know what’s going on in their life that may be causing them not to pay much attention? Can you think of any time that you’ve had so much happening that your concentration was affected?” Again the answer is most likley “no i don’t know what’s going on in their life and yes, i can remember such times.” Going through this process allows me to have compassion for people and defuse my self-righteous high horse. Then I realize how nice it would be if i progressed enough that i didn’t even have to go through the process; that i could just accept things that happen.

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