Daily Gratitude: Wow, if we could all adopt this attitude for the next year, what a change we’d see in ourselves, others and even the world. I know that we are up against times where people will have totally opposite opinions which could lead to blows. What if we tried to just accept whatever happens without complaints and criticisms. What good do they do anyway? If you disagree with the way something is being done, i’m sure you know that your complaints and criticims won’t change squat. They just make for more dissension and hatred – and it makes you upset, angry, furious, sad, whatever. I am not saying that we should condone what we don’t agree with but we don’t have to continue to feed negativity into the universe’s atmosphere with things that won’t make a difference. Take some of that energy and put it into a charity or cause where you can make a change and help people (or animals). This is why i don’t bother with the news anymore. If there’s something major, it pops up as a “breaking news” alert (which is usually bogus – i don’t know how the media defines “breaking news” but that’s another matter). Otherwise, things that are happening will most likely be issues i can’t do anything about. I want to enjoy what’s left of my life and being upset by stuff happening thousands of miles away. Again, this is not a defeatist attitude, because if you can take some constructive action, then you should. Otherwise, spread love and joy.

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