Daily Gratitude: Many of the great philosophers have spread this word – that whatever you believe, you can achieve. This should be the basis for everything you do. As you cultivate a desire, a passion, a goal, remember this. If it’s a mad desire within you, the universe has meant for you to have it. The universe does NOT give you ideas that you can’t achieve. This universe or higher power can lead us to our desires – if we let it. We have to let go and allow things to unfold the way they are supposed to. Perhaps right now it doesn’t feel as if you will get where you want to be. Just know that it will happen but it will happen in the universe’s plan, not your plan. I have beaten a dead horse i think but this applies to my not getting into medical school when i “should have”. So many good things happened (although they didn’t seem so good at the time) in the two extra years it took me to get into medical school. I don’t know what would have happened had I gotten in right after college. I wasn’t ready, my body wasn’t ready and my emotional/spiritual life wasn’t ready. These things needed more time to grow up and the universe knew it. I was mad that things didn’t go the way I thought they should. But, i was forced to give up control and wait, just wait. And imagine what? It was the best thing for me. I believed i was to be a doctor and eventually i became one. I gave up a lot of things (shed my various skins) on the way but i never gave up the belief i was supposed to be a doctor. When things seem dark for you, hold on to the belief you can succeed!

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