Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: Commitment. Today’s daily gratitude is a bit different because it’s about me making a commitment to you all. Today is the first day of “Talking with Terrie – 180 seconds to a better you”. which you can reach by calling the number in the graphic below. Each day I will provide snippets or “chunks” of info that, when applied over time, should help improve your life. It’s only 3 minutes (or less). But you also have an opportunity to ask questions or ask for different topics. The Daily Gratitudes will continue and the episodes, short as they are, will be uploaded into Spotify and Apple but in my opinion, the time it takes to open your podcast app and find the show is more than the time it takes to hit a contact number saved on your phone. I listen to my favorite, Dr. Rob Gilbert’s Success HotLine every morning while I make my breakfast. It’s a great way to start the day. The commitment to doing this is huge but I’m practicing what I preach and taking it one step at a time. Just like with Vol State, if i thought about even a month’s worth of info, I’d freak out. So, it’s just one message at a time. I hope you enjoy it.

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