Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: Maybe i’ve beaten this to the ground, but it’s a topic I don’t think can be discussed too much. Tell yourself every day (and multiple times a day) that you’re brave, you’re smart and you’re strong. Make a short statement (an affirmation) that you’ll remember and repeat it all throughout the day: “I am strong. I am brave and I am smart”. As with all affirmations, it needs to be in the present tense so that it’s best integrated into your subconscious mind. I continually tell you about my favorite and most used affirmatioin “everything always works out for me!” Do you think i believed that when i first started saying it in 1985 or 1986? Heck no. I thought it was BS. However, I trusted the woman who taught me and was my spiritual mentor so like a good Navy gal, i followed orders and kept saying it. You know what? It was true and I began to see the evidence right in front of me. And when i looked back, i could see the evidence all throughout my life. In fact, there’s enough of it that i thought i might write a small book about it but dont’ want to bore everyone with my life stuff. Anyway, the point is, you are brave, strong and smart. So many other people think that. it’s time for you to believe it to!

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