Daily Gratitude: We’re such a results focused civilization. You’ve heard that it’s not about the destination but the journey. This is a perfect way of thinking about this quote. Your current trajectory means are you on the path you want to be on so that you can achieve your goal. Are you doing things on a daily and weekly basis that will help you get where you want to go AND be able to live with yourself. That last part is a key variable in any trajectory. Does it really do you any good to get to an end point if you compromise your core values and principles? Will you be happy then? I encourage everyone to take at least a weekly inventory. This works like a plane’s autopilot system. You can veer off track because this autopilot is always checking and will bring you back on course. If you never do an inventory, how will you know you’re off track? Maybe you’ll eventually recognize it but by then it may be too late. When you check on yourself on, let’s say, a weekly basis, you can recognize the deviation soon enough to recalibrate. Try it for awhile and see if your life changes some.