Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: Are you the candle or are you the mirror? Did you know that when you share meaningful posts or articles, that is being the mirror. It’s fairly simple but almost as important as the original candle. When someone has made your day with some nice comment or smile, and it makes you happy, you’re being the mirror by doing the same for the next person you come across. How do you think things “go viral” (even though I don’t like that phrase because the universe doesn’t know you’re not talking about those little organisms that cause illness but anyway)? Nothing would spread like that if it weren’t for those who spread the word. After all, Typhoid Mary would not have been a very big threat had she not infected others who then spread it more and more and more. She was the candle and the others were the mirrors. It works whether you’re talking about positive or negative things. Never feel that you can’t change the world because you’re not as “good” or popular as others. You can change the world by helping to spread the word initiated by the “popular” and “smart” person. Mirrors are extremely valuable so never underestimate your impact.