Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: I think learning to be calm in moments of chaos is the most important habit you can establish. I only started working on this over the last couple of years but it has helped me in so many ways. Two days before I was to leave for Tennessee (for Vol State) I went out to my “new” (to me) car and the dashboard had all these messages flashing that this and that feature needed to be checked and “call your dealer”. The windshield wipers came on and i couldn’t shut them off. For once I didn’t panic. In fact, I amazed myself that I was so calm. I had no clue what was wrong or what to do but I just did the things I could think of. None of my fallback systems worked (the people I relied on were out of town), the auto shop I use was closed for the holiday weekend, the dealer wasn’t open yet, etc. so I sent my dealer and the manager emails and went to autozone and then just went about my business knowing I could take my old vehicle if necessary even though I got this one for the trips. after a couple of hours the dealer called and said he was going to send a tow truck and they would try to get it done before I left. Turns out the tow truck guy worked his magic and got it going. But the entire time I remained calm and it felt wonderful. I never have experienced that before. So I highly recommend investigating whatever techniques you might be interested in to help you learn to be calm. I only wish I had learned this many years ago but that’s just the way things work out and I’m ok with that. After all, I can’t change any of it in the past so why obsess over it?