Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: I have decided to adopt this as a life plan. I am so good with procrastination but I’m done with that. If we sit around deciding what we’re “going” to do when we’re ready, it may never come – there will always be some voice telling you “you’re not ready yet so go better not try this yet”. That infamous word “yet” is good and not so good. When you say “I am not good enough”, you should add “yet” letting your subconscious know that you’re not condemning yourself in general and that you are becoming better and continually working toward improvement. However, when you’re talking about starting something, do NOT say “I can’t do that because I’m not ready yet”. You’ll never feel ready. Just start. Even if what you end up doing is cruddy it doesn’t matter. You began. You started and that’s what’s important! Start now!