Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: I just had to add this cartoon (and I’m sorry I don’t know who did it) because it’s perfect. Happiness is right now, not “when”. “When I get a new job”, “when I lose 10 pounds”, etc (I’m sure I’ve written about that before). What happened in the last hour that you’re happy about? I’m listening to music as I write this and that makes me happy. My air conditioner is working nicely and that makes me happy. I am retired and couldn’t ask for anything more. That makes me happy. If my pace was better maybe I’d be happier. Maybe not. And I don’t see that happening with my lungs but the fact I can walk makes me very happy no matter what my pace is. What is making you feel something right now? And then what are you feeling? You know you can change that feeling don’t you? You are in charge of how you react and respond to things. So decide to be happy and then decide to devote part of a minute every hour to finding something that is making you happy. Make yourself a happy jar and put something in the jar every time you think about being happy. Maybe it will be coins or maybe you can jot down the things you think of. Watch it fill up and that will also make you happy. See how easy it is.