Daily Gratitude

12 July 2024

Daily Gratitude: This has been true all my life. Much as I might have resisted it, the great I’ve worked for really have known what’s best for me and they pushed and pulled me to get me there. I have only had two lousy bosses in over 47 years of service. And I’ve had some truly outstanding ones. I consider myself so blessed to have been taught by the best. But you know what? It’s not only bosses that are leaders. I have worked with many people who were exceptional at giving you that nudge you needed – and without you even knowing it. No matter what their rank. I’ve had friends, neighbors and other runners who have been leaders and didn’t have even know it. Jan is a perfect example and I will be indebted to her forever. Take some time to think about who has taken a leadership position in your life – even if only for a day or a few hours. Have you ever thanked them for that? Why not start now?