Daily Gratitude: What dragons are you facing? What do you need to help you slay those dragons? Who do you need to help you prepare? Let those around you help you believe you can do something (slay your dragon); that you can conquer your fear. Take the tiniest thing you can find that you don’t do because of fear (for me, it’s making phone calls). Then find an innocent call to make that won’t upset you. For me it would be calling an automated prescription refill number. Believe it or not, this has been scary for me, even though it’s an automated call and there is no human being on the other end. Once i decide on that being the call I’m going to make (the dragon i’m going to slay), then I look at what it is about that call that bothers me. I break it down into as many pieces as possible. Then I look at where those fears possibly came from. Once this “puzzle” is spread out before me like a jigsaw puzzle poured from the box, i can attack each baby dragon separately and it makes it so much easier. Things that looked insurmountable now are small inclines and not mountains. I can convince myself that I can do it. Sometimes I even feel like laughing when I’ve done this surgery on my issue. Other times, i sit and remember how i have felt when I’ve made the phone calls before and felt the weight of the world off my shoulders. Try the dissection process and see if it helps you.

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