Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: Before you shake your head at this one and scroll on by…..it’s essential that you know this quote is for YOU…each and every one of you. “What? I’m never going to be a champion. I’m too old. I’m too…whatever.” This is your first turning point. Definitions are key here. YOU define these words: challenge, surrender, and champion. The only stickler is that you have to define them (for yourself) before you begin any endeavor. It’s “cheating” to want to stop when something gets rough so then you come up with your definitions to suit the circumstances. However, you certainly can and should define them at the beginning of such an undertaking. Example could be my Tennessee race in July – you know, the 314 mile one i have to do in 10 days. For me the challenge starts way back several months when i decide it’s time to start training. That challenge includes the training and the event no matter how hard it gets and how bad it seems. Champion to me is my finishing the race within the allotted time. Surrender is defined by absolutely not being able to continue due to illness or significant injury (not just “it hurts so bad”). Along with that surrender must not be done until I have had rest. I am not allowed to call the meat wagon for anything other than an illness or injury until after i get some sleep. When I do the fixed time races, my definitions change because the characteristics of the race changes. See, you do not have to be, nor should you be, locked into one set of definitions for everything you do. Take some time right now to find an upcoming scenario and come up with your definitions.