Daily Gratitude: Happy New Year to Team Terrie! I feel I had a deprived childhood because I never experienced Dr. Seuss. Nevertheless, this quote is a great way to start your new year. It’s also a great way to start any day of any year. As soon as you wake up in the morning, express gratitude that you did. Then, immediately proclaim “Today is my day!” Keep saying it no matter what comes up, no matter how busy you are. Repetition leads to mastery. Mastery in this regard is creating that great day. Remember what Willie said (William Shakespeare) “Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so”. Stuck in traffic? What do you think about it? What can you do to change that thought if your thought isn’t the best in the world? If you’re having trouble with that, try using the “compared to what?” concept. If you’re upset that you’re ‘wasting’ time being stuck in traffic, ask yourself “is this really that bad?” and if you say “yes”, follow it with “compared to what?” Others don’t have a car so they have to wait outside for the bus. If it’s hot, they have to stand there anyway while you may be stuck waiting but you probably have A/C. What about those who have to find a way to work every day? Or, those who have to walk? Or, those that don’t even have a job? There’s always a way to spin your circumstances. You can spin them in a good way or a bad way. The choice is yours.