Daily Gratitude: Happy/Merry Christmas eve. I felt this was appropriate since the roads and stores are jam-packed with people doing their last minute Christmas shopping. Somewhere along the way, though, we seem to have lost sight of what Christmas is about. I’m not really religious. That adjective got stripped from me when I was rejected from medical school the first time. What was installed in place, however, was an extremely spiritual study and a deeper understanding of the complexities of life. Thus, this is not a post about the religious specifics of the day. I feel Christmas represents a birth – another chance for being and doing better. If you combine the idea of this birth and the concept of the New Year being another form of “newness”, you can see we have all sorts of possibilities to make changes in our lives. This is one reason I want to be brave and do the “Talking with Terrie” daily calls. What a great way for us to have more communion and grow with each other. This is the “gift” i can give to whomever desires it. It won’t be for everyone but maybe at least one person will benefit from it. What “gifts” of this sort are you giving this year? Take a minute and think back over the years and see if you can recall the best gifts you’ve ever received. I would imagine there are fewer material ones than there are substantive ones – expressions of love, offers to help, someone letting you know they care and are there for you, etc. After all, how many blenders can you use. Do you really “need” something…or would you rather have someone? I would rather have someone. Give the gift of love tomorrow!