Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: You probably know by now that I’m a fan of paying attention to the little things in life, in a project, or in anything (including relationships). This is why I am always talking about “chunking” things down. A more frequently used cliche is “how do you eat an elephant?” “One bite at a time!” Think of doing a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. You are diligent and persistent. But now you’re feeling a bit tired and it’s time for bed. You pick up a piece that’s the sky blue color of at least 300 other pieces. This piece looks as if it fits so you just push it a bit harder than usual. Then you move on. After a few hundred more pieces you realize that one of them is not in the correct place. You’ve forgotten about that day you were tired since it was last week. Now what? What do you do? It’s not going to be finished. That one piece that you essentially blew off has ruined the entire puzzle. Seems simple doesn’t it? Can you think of times in your life when you’ve thought that this one little thing won’t matter? Have you gotten away with it? And yes I consider it getting “away with it” because if you know you’re taking the easy way out because it “might not matter”, you’re putting the entire project or thing at risk. What if you were the recipient of that “thing”? What if it were your vehicle and that one thing was a missing bolt or something that could cause a safety issue for you? Think about that next time you are ignoring the little things.