Daily Gratitude: I don’t think I need to add much to this but of course I will lol. It could also say home is people, not a place OR THINGS! When I was a child the only good memories I have were of my preparation for Christmas. I would try to figure out a lot of little things to give my mother and I made what I could (so I’m pretty sure they sucked) and I also wrote a little poem or note for each one. I couldn’t wait until my mother opened them. I didn’t care about any of my presents (except maybe when I got “The visible man”) I just wanted to give her joy. She put up with such garbage in our household that she deserved everything I could find for her. These gifts were given – and received- with love and that’s what mattered. Who is important in your life that you can send a note to during this time of year. Maybe they are lonely and feel unloved. You can fix at least some of that. And it may not cost much. There is no price on heartfelt love