Daily Gratitude: What makes me happy won’t necessarily make you happy and vice versa. Waiting for something to happen is not the way to be happy either. Don’t start the year off (or any part of a year) with “when I lose 10 pounds, I’ll be happy”. That never works. Start with “I am the master of my happiness and I choose to be happy no matter what”. Once you put your thoughts straight, you’ll be able to accomplish so much more. Remember that happiness is not conditional . If that person lost 10 pounds but lost their job, would they be happy? I think not. Make the decision that you are happy and do everything from deep within to change your thoughts to happy ones and you’ll end up happy. No one can take that from you. You can use gratitude to assist you. It’s hard to he depressed and sad while you’re being grateful. Why not make your next resolution about being happy and grateful? And don’t wait until New Year’s Day for it to start.