Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: It’s so true that there are twists and turns in life. You can hold on but often the strength required to hold on can wear you down. Learning to bend in the wind and flow with the turns can allow you to get through your life more easily. Remember William Shakespeare’s important quote “nothing is either good or bad but thinking makes it so”. Take some event and put it before two different people and one will see it as a terrible thing that will ruin their life. The other, though, will make the best of all that’s going on and not blame his fate on the adversity. There’s a story about two brothers whose father was an alcoholic. One brother didn’t do anything with his life and was always down on his luck. When asked why, he replied “because my father was an alcoholic.” The other brother was extremely successful and happy. When asked why he was such a success, his answer was “because my father was an alcoholic.” Two sides of the same coin. Learn to go with the flow and stop resisting (holding on tight).