Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: How often do we just hold on to things? Refusing to let go? What a source of regret for many people. What good does it do to continue focusing on things that have happened and about which you can do nothing? It doesn’t do any good. When you focus on the past, you tend to think about it frequently and then you tend to talk about it to those who will listen. Why? What do you get out of it? If you are prone to thinking about the past, try to find some lesson you learned from it and how you can avoid Re-experiencing the same. Your thoughts determine what you bring to your life. If all you have is negative thoughts, then all you’re going to bring into your life is negative events and people. I can point to reference after reference about this. My own experience demonstrates it as well. You have to monitor your thoughts constantly and switch the negative to positive. One way to help that is to just let go of whatever happened in the past. Spend that time enjoying what’s happening now. Even if there’s adversity, play Sherlock Holmes and look for the positive – what’s called the “seed of equivalent benefit”. You may have to look hard but make it a project, a game, even a ritual and see what happens in your life. Remember, though, that this won’t happen overnight. You’re trying to change life long patterns and habits and that does not occur right away.