Daily Gratitude: Can you relate to this? I certainly can. Ha! How well do things get done in your life when you have very little (or no) enthusiasm for them. I noticed this today. I was tired and just went through the motions for most of my daily routine always thinking about how nice it would be to just go back to bed. Then i had to do something with my van to get it fixed up more and all of a sudden i wasn’t tired any more. I was interested and engaged. It was truly intriguing. Since everything in our lives is not unique we might want to put some effort into figuring out how to make something interesting or somehow up our enthusiasm. For some one will be easier than the other. Remember, though, that if we can act enthusiastically, we will become enthusiastic. Generate the emotion somehow (make a game or a challenge of it) and then it will light the fire under you. Kind of like creating a spark and that will lead to a raging fire. You can also make a game out of the “boring” thing you have to do. Figure out a reward you can give yourself in order to motivate yourself to complete it. Do anything you can to generate enthusiasm and do those great things on your way pathway to greatness!