Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: What’s the antidote to doubt? Faith! Doubt is just another manifestation of fear. How many times have you thought “I’d really like to do this thing” followed by “but i doubt I can because I don’t know how or I’m not good enough” or some variation on that theme. We must do all we can to eliminate doubt. One way is to realize that the universe brought this idea or thought to you and it wouldn’t have done that had it not “known” you had the ability to do it. The abilities may be buried to a degree but with some effort and a lot of faith, you can uncover those abilities or at least a plan. As I’ve mentioned before I wanted to cross the USA on foot – for 30 years I’d wanted this. But I always doubted I could do it for many reasons. When I finally decided it was time to do it, I had the faith to try it. The faith that it would work out as everything always does for me. Once I had the faith, there was no stopping me. I created a plan including a “last minute” decision to retire and went full force into it. I surprised myself but it was that transformation of doubt to faith that stimulated me into taking ACTION (sense a theme here?). That has happened about 3 times in my life and each time the energy and momentum generated had been beyond belief. Recognize when you’re feeling doubt and then do your best to convert that doubt into faith. Oh and im not specifically talking about religious type faith. Just faith that you can do something.