Daily Gratitude: Did you know you can change your memories? The accuracy of memory is questionable anyway. There are so many studies that confirm this. It would be fun if you Googled it and saw how messed up people’s memories are. This could be discouraging but it also can be liberating. You don’t have to be stuck with all the bad memories that are clogging up your bank (your memory bank). Felt that a good friend shunned you in high school? Why continue to be plagued by this. Change it. Make it funny. Make it that you heard your friend say something inaudible but imagined it to be something bad. In your remake, you can have your friend say something really nice to you or about you. Didn’t feel loved as a child? Create some loving memories using things you recall. I had a “hospital” in our house and I loved being in it. So the memories I create involve that room and all the fun and great things I did. I even had ideas that would cure cancer but that’s another story. The memories of the hospital (and my “lab” in the basement) supersede any of those that weren’t so good. I can accept this since I know that my memory may not actually be completely accurate. I choose to hold on to good ones even if I have to create them. Memories change every time you recall them so try putting in good things. I know many of you are cringing at this idea but it has validity especially if you suffer from PTSD or other effects of trauma. You can search for “can you change your memories” and see what you find.
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