Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: I may have talked about this before but I think this is so important to absorb and believe. Whenever things aren’t going great, remember to look deep at the “adversity” and see if it really is a problem. Look to see if there isn’t something there you can turn around into something positive. I might have bemoaned my hip pain that plagued me all during training for Vol State. But by having it i learned to think of Voltaren cream AND I practiced more with my trekking poles. Thus, when I fell on my knee on the steps in the first mile and 12 hours later I had lots of pain with every step. So what did I do? I didn’t have any Voltaren then but I made sure I got some at the earliest possible moment. And I immediately pulled out my poles and they helped. When I had the after effects following the race the benefit was that I made myself get extra rest and as a result I not only recovered more quickly but also felt good enough to consider going to the race over Labor Day. These are not really deep ideas but they are what I could think of quickly. The benefit when I got rejected at medical school was that there was time for my epilepsy to be diagnosed without possibly interfering with any schooling. If you look closely, you’ll find that benefit or something that can be developed into a bigger benefit. Don’t sit back and have a pity party. Examine the situation and you may be surprised.

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