Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: This follows yesterday’s post about using stepping stones as true steps. I always like it when I find quotes from two different people that tell you the same thing. And how different these two authors are. Wow. This is key to remember and get through our minds in this time of instant gratification. The end result of something has multiple component. It doesn’t just happen. And just as a house takes a long time to be built, the same goes for anything else that’s significant. In order to continue the construction after the foundation is laid, you have to wait for it to set or dry (or whatever it’s called). If you don’t, then you’re in for trouble. No matter how much you desire your house to go up fast, you absolutely have to take these things as prescribed. It’s like that in your life too. Take all the races my friends do (and me too). They don’t just decide to run 314 miles and go out and do it. You have to build up or you risk injury or overtraining and that will defeat your ultimate goal. I am learning patience and can now take some time to wonder why the next step hasn’t happened yet. And I’m able to do it better but there’s always room for improvement.

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