Daily Gratitude: Nowadays we’re all about the end result, the destination. We forget about the journey at the same time we tend to forget that every result is composed of many parts. It’s very rare that something is created with just one step. The other thing we frequently ignore is that the universe (and whatever higher power you believe in) knows what’s best and when we are able to relinquish control and let things happen, they generally go more smoothly. That is NOT to say that you can simply state “I want a million dollars” then sit at home watching TV all day and expect the money to flow in. What it does mean is that once you have a plan and chunk it down, relax and keep working. Take any adversity in stride and take one stepping stone at a time. You can’t reach the top of the cliff without using each of the the stepping stones – perhaps you can take two at a time but you can’t do the whole group at once. I hope this makes sense. Just enjoy each little piece of the process and make the most of it all the while maintaining faith that you are on the right path.