Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: This is a light but meaningful thought. I am or used to be an expert worrier. I am working very hard to shed that crown. I don’t want to be the queen of worry. It takes a lot of attention to your thoughts as well as planning for other options. You have to have some other concept, image or idea to focus on when you recognize you’re worrying. To just recognize it isn’t good enough. Find something you like to put your mind to once you realize what you’re doing. Once you have a list of desirable things, you’re good to go. Catch yourself worrying. Perhaps you need more of an incentive to divert your mind. Make a worry jar perhaps. When you see that you’re worrying and do NOT change your mind’s direction, you have to put x amount of money in the jar. Find something like that which will keep you on track. Remember that you are wasting energy by spending time on things you cannot control. Most things we worry about are beyond our control so why go down that road. Find something you can control – either something relative to that problem or totally separate. What’s key is that you must pick something that you definitely can control. Then you can take action and that will also help you travel down a positive road! Which road are you going to take? A new one or the same old one?

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