Daily Gratitude: This concept could help so many people no matter the age or profession. Ideas come to everyone. It’s just that so many people let them come and go without even trying to grab hold of them, pull them close like a baby bird, nurturing it in their minds, feeding it so it can grow. The majority of people think something like “I can’t do that. What a silly thing for me to think of” and then they go about their daily business. I got the idea for “It’s not about the miles” while doing the race. One of the guys I used to work with kept asking what it was that I was doing. I didn’t have time to explain it all in the middle of the race. I will be forever grateful to Scotty Eckert for taking the time to explain it to him, ending with “it’s a metaphor for life”. That struck me in my heart and it was early in the 10 days so it gave me the opportunity to pay strict attention to everything that happened that year. I came home and wrote the book. If Scotty hadn’t been tuned in; if the guy hadn’t been so persistent and if I hadn’t been receptive to the great and powerful sentence Scotty wrote, I wouldn’t have written that book and probably not the other 3. Open both your heart and your mind and let ideas settle. Then work with them. Don’t discount or discard anything!