Can you take 3 minutes a day to hear a tidbit of knowledge that will help you change how you go about your thinking and living?
If so, call Dr. Terrie’s hotline – 210-390-6100. You can listen and leave a message..or not! Totally up to you. There’s no textbook other than the textbook of life and there’s no quiz. Use it or lose it applies perfectly in this instance.
Dr. Terrie Wurzbacher is drawing on her 76 years of life mistakes and corrections. She’s distilling down much of what happened in her life and her mind in order to help others make tiny tweaks that will lead to massive changes in their lives.
This is available as a:
- Daily phone call
- Podcast on Spotify and Apple
- Podcast on YouTube
- Sometimes expansion of the topic on this blog
Tune in and see what it’s all about. How long do you sit in traffic to and from work or events? Make the call while you wait!