Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: How often do you look around you? When you’re stuck in traffic or at a light, why not look at the details surrounding you instead of complaining about the traffic and being late? You’ll be amazed at the little things you may see. Did you ever wonder who came up with the drive through concept? Or how they configure the traffic lights that are causing your current headache? What about the names of products or stores? I enjoy looking at the names and laughing or even being confused. It’s just something small and simple to me but it’s important to that person. On today’s walk I noticed a new bench in the park. I hadn’t been down that route since July or August. I wondered who had put it there. Obviously it was the park people but on whose bequest since there weren’t any others on that route. Then I said my gratitudes for it because there isn’t anywhere else to sit comfortably for at least a mile in either direction. This will help many older people who are out trying to be healthy. When I concentrate on these things that are cute and helpful, it raises the vibration in my body and makes me feel so much better. Maybe it’s because I’m little that I say there’s magic in little things. Who knows?

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