Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: When things aren’t going well, make up your mind to dig down deep and find that joy. It may take a some time and effort to find that joy but you can do it if you realize how much better it will make you feel. All too often, we sit back and just wait for the doldrums to pass. That usually doesn’t work. It’s an individual responsibility to be happy and find the joy. It’s there so don’t try to give an excuse that it’s not there. Yes, I understand that sometimes things are really bad and you don’t want to or can’t put forth the effort to be joyful. That’s ok. At some point, the rain of crud might lighten up and you might have friends that will help you dig and find some improvement in your feelings. Just remember that the capability to be joyful is there. When things are going well, try practicing to see how much of it you can find. It’s easier to do that when you’re in a good or neutral mood than to try it for the first time while feeling down.

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