Daily Gratitude: I love this. All too often we feel we have to eliminate our fears in order to do something. That’s hard to do. But if you look at it from the perspective of this quote, it makes it pretty simple. If you had to run into a burning house to retrieve your computer, your fear would probably win out and you wouldn’t do it (i hope anyway). But, if your child or children were in there, the fear you might be feeling is overshadowed by the love and your protective nature as a parent and human being. You’re still afraid if the fire but saving your kids is much more important. I’m taking a certification course and it involves in person classes with break out sessions (my least favorite activity) and also involves lots of other things I’ve never done. Am I afraid of all that? You bet. Is what i will be able to do more important to me than that fear? Definitely. Same applies to starting the 180 seconds to a better life – Talking with Dr. Terrie. I was more scared of doing that than i have been in a very long time. But, my desire to do it and teach again was more important than the fear. it still took me a long time to get it started but it was that the importance overshadowed the fear that helped me get going. Try looking at some of your fears like this and see how much courage you can develop.

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