Daily Gratitude: Love is, indeed, an energy. In that regard it’s similar to gratitude. By that I mean that experiencing and expressing gratitude mobilizes more energy in your life than you can imagine. Gratitude is as powerful as love. Feeling one or both of these will increase your vibration and when that happens, you will bring more love and more things to be grateful for into your life. Take some time to remember how you feel when you’re in love with something (and it doesn’t have to be a romantic type of love). Didn’t you think you were pretty much invincible? Or, perhaps, you didn’t need as much sleep as usual. What’s behind all that? Energy! Did you know you can imprint these memories along with the feelings on your brain? When you do that, you can call upon those emotions and immediately improve how you feel. We all need to experience love. If you know someone who doesn’t appear to have much love in their life, see what you can do to share some of your love with them.