Daily Gratitude: From a Sailor’s point of view this is a nicer way to say “control what you can control and pay little to no attention to the things you have no control over”. When things don’t go the way you planned for them to go, you can mope and pout or, you can pull yourself up by the bootstraps and figure out how you’re going to revise your plans in light of what’s happening. Changing your course willingly, trusting that the universe is sending you in the right direction will get you where you’re supposed to be even if it’s not where you wanted. I have repeatedly talked about my wanting to be a doctor since I was 4. And i wanted to be a neurosurgeon. Well, that went to poop when I developed epilepsy. But you know what? I am so happy I didn’t go into neurosurgery because I have impacted more people with the career I ended up with Than I ever would have as a neurosurgeon. It wasn’t what I scripted but it was the absolute best thing that could have happened. Always be flexible and maintain an open (growth oriented) mindset. Let go of the need to control. You will end up where you’re supposed to be.