Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: What’s your definition of a “miracle”? It’s important that you know it for yourself. Each person has their own experience and some things are considered miraculous to them that are “just” commonplace to others. I have grown to believe that there are many miracles happening in my life each and every day. As I recognize them, I give thanks for them. The vibration created with expression (and feeling) of gratitude generates power that continues to energize you and those around you. What would happen if you took just one day and recorded everything that happened no matter how mundane and looked at each of these things and see if you can see the miracles contained within. Look beyond the surface and see what it took to get that “thing” into your life. It wouldn’t take much to look back to the pandemic and see all the supply chain problems we had. Then it was a miracle for us to get some of our essentials when they had to come from other countries. Even certain medications became rare during that time. How often do you take your daily medicines or supplements for granted? The entire process of getting something to you from its raw material is a miracle if you think about it. Be grateful for these things and think about what it would be like if you couldn’t get them. Try it for a day.