Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: I love this. Read it slowly and see a) if it strikes you as representing how you look at people; b) if this is how you feel people evaluate you. Even though nowadays with AI and short attention spans, we really owe it to the “book” to read the entire thing, not just the cover, the introduction or the reviews. What kind of background does the person have? Have they experienced trauma of any sort? Do they have any medical problems? Any recent losses? What’s their family life like? You have to try to get to know the other person. You might be surprised or even shocked. When you watch a movie, you want to know the plot AND the ending. But you can’t really skip the beginning and claim to know what the story’s about. Do you judge the quality of the movie from watching the trailer! On the other hand, let people know about what’s inside of you too. Allow them inside once you’ve decided you want a relationship of some sort. We are multilayered beings, an archaeological dig that takes time and effort to uncover. Next time you start to criticize or analyze or judge someone, stop and think of this quote.