Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: if you follow me at all, I’m sure you know about race reports. We compulsive and obsessive runners/walkers reflect deeply on each of our races and often times also our training. Why, then, is there such resistance to doing an end of year review of your life? It’s essentially a race report. What went well? What didn’t go so well? What do you want to change? What do you want to keep the same and maybe even improve? How can you improve or change? What successes have you had this year? What lessons did you learn? You know a great way to get started? And maybe even create a document for reference. Everyone takes pictures now a days, right? Why not go thru your photos and pick out ones that remind you of things that have happened? You can sort your photos by month and pick representative ones. Put them in a document and jot down the answers to some of the above questions. Next year can improve but it will do so more quickly if you give your subconscious guidance from your review.