Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: This letter was written by an employer to his staff. It says so much about our lives and how we really should look at the quality of what we’re doing. Do you ever say “oh it’s just a small thing. I don’t want to have to do it all over.” So you let something move on with just one error? This reminds me of my time in Great Lakes, Illinois when I had to type an entire disaster manual on an old fashioned typewriter. See what you think:
Xxn though my typxwriter is an old modxl, it works vry wxll xxxpt for onx kxy. You would think that with all the othr kxys functioning proparly, onx kxy not working would hardly bx noticad; but just onx ky out of whack sxxms to ruin the wholx xffort.
You may say to yoursxlf – Wxll, I’m only onx parson. No onx will notic if I don’t do my bxst. But it doxs makx a diffrancx bxcaus to bx ffxctiv an organization xxds activx participa-
tion by xvxry onx to the bxst of his or hxr ability.
So thr nxxt timx you think you arx not important, rxmxmbxr my old typxwritar. You arx a kxy person.”