Daily Gratitude: If you’re tired of hearing me talk about your goals, just scroll on by. But…. Here’s what I did to assess my 2024 goals. I have mentioned that this was the first time I’ve actually written them out and it’s a practice I will continue. Here’s what I found. I had 13 items on my list. I completed 8 of them in toto. 3 were partially completed and 2 I “thought about” but didn’t do much, if anything on them. That’s a pretty good percentage. What did I notice? I realized in some instances I needed more details and in others I just needed to let it happen. For instance, one said “complete all 3 major races”. I didn’t list them so it was hard for the universe to give that to me since it didn’t know what I thought was major. That’s important. I’ve talked about the hearing aid one before, but here is what I wrote: “help people with hearing aids”. This, actually, was a good goal because, although, I didn’t define how I wanted to help but just that I did, it allowed the universe to provide me with the surprise of an easy way to help. One interesting one was: “decide about new car”. This really isn’t specific enough but once again, it worked for me. I should have listed out all the things I wanted and/or needed and whether I wanted a new or used car. But as it has before, universe presented me with a few options and then just put what I wanted in front of me. It was another “everything always works out for me” but I’ll save that story for another day. Anyway, hopefully you get the idea, as I did, that I needed to provide more details but not too many specifics. Maybe tomorrow I’ll write more about outlining