Daily Gratitude: The wise woman (RBG) hit the nail on the head here. We all want to see change RIGHT NOW? That’s the age of instant gratification. But real change really does happen one small step at a time. There may be times when there’s a big step but don’t rely on that happening all the time. It takes work to make real change, significant change. You may be thinking that if you just work 24/7 on something then the change will come more quickly. If it does, it won’t be significant. Why? Because significant change also requires balance in your life. If you’re working 24/7 on something, there’s no balance. Change may occur but I don’t think it will be lasting and it could also possibly cause imbalance elsewhere in your life, requiring you to then pay attention to that other thing. Soon the original problem might return. It’s a seesaw effect. Be happy with small steps.