Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: I am sure many of you think i write too much about now your thoughts impact and change your life. If so, I am glad you have the ability to scroll on by. For others, though, the more you see it and hear it, the more you’ll believe it and start working on your thoughts. I am living proof of this when you compare the first 35 years of my life to the second 40 years. You have to monitor your thoughts and immediately change them as soon as you realize you’ve been thinking something negative. Make yourself a “thought” jar and whenever you start going down that road put some small fee in the jar (and possibly a note about the things you were thinking). Be honest with yourself. It’s not about what you’re saying but about what you are thinking. Do anything it takes to focus only on the things you want to be or have. Stay within and stop judging. Control what is within your control. This is the first part of changing your life but it’s the most important part.