Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: This is what I realized my view of life has been for many decades. My eyes always had this screen covering them. Seeing through a screen is hard and seeing anything clearly through it is next to impossible. You can do that but you have to adjust your focus. Even trying to take a picture through a chain link fence is not unmarried. The metal chains obscure the view. On a window screen the holes are even smaller and you have to step way back to alter your focus. You have to look beyond the crosshairs. Then your eyes can see more clearly, provided the glass (or screen) is not dirty. As you can see, there are many factors which impact your ability to see clearly. I had to work through the dirty windows, the narrow holes and my screwed up focus (inner past issues) before I could see the beauty of my life. I hope that makes sense. My primary intention was to help you be easy on yourself as you are cleaning your windows.