Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: This is so true. It seems that when we want something so much, there is often some form of fear (or even more than one form) standing right in front of us. It’s embarrassing to think of the number of things I’ve missed in my life because of fear. We couch that fear in many “outfits” or “costumes” such as “I really don’t want to”, “it doesn’t matter that much”, “I’m too old so it’s too late”, “that’s not in my wheelhouse”, “I don’t know how to do that and there’s no time to learn”, etc. These are all coverups for fear. We need to recognize what we’re doing and how we are avoiding pursuing our goal and then figure out the things we are fearing. Once we find the underlying fears, we can develop strategies to overcome them. Some we can overcome on our own but others might need help with it. It takes work but take it from me, it’s worth it.