Daily Gratitude: Can you think back over your life and remember how you’ve felt when you’ve accomplished something you didn’t think you could do. Wasn’t it a great feeling, leaving you, perhaps for a second or two, thinking that just maybe you could do even more. I have felt that once and it’s better than almost anything I’ve ever felt. I wish I could say I’ve experienced it more than that once but at least it gave me a taste of what to shoot for. At my age you think more about regrets. I don’t have a lot of them because I have been able to achieve a lot. I have overcome many obstacles – but unlike many people, mine have been self- imposed obstacles mostly. They are the so-called inner demons or ghosts in the closet. In the past several years I’ve worked hard to confront these and have had large success. One thing I have held on to, though, is that a conquest over myself is so much sweeter if it also includes benefiting others. Let’s all keep aiming to conquer whatever’s in our path!