Daily Gratitude: Sometimes, especially when things aren’t going well, we tend to fall back on our past, wondering where things went wrong or what we did to “deserve” this. This is only useful if we can find out what part of our thinking needs to be changed. When we change our thoughts, and keep them changed consistently, our lives will change. We have to keep our eyes focused on the future. But at the same time we have to understand that things will happen in the time frame designated by the universe – just as a seed will sprout ONLY when it’s supposed to, no matter how much we try to make it grow faster. People get frustrated because things in their lives don’t change right away – they say “I’ve changed my thoughts and am focusing on the good and on what I want for at least a month now and nothing has happened!” Ask yourself how many years you have NOT been thinking in that vein. I’ll bet it’s longer than a month. We need to exercise patience at the same time as we are changing our thoughts. I can’t recommend the small book “As a Man Thinketh” (James Allen) enough.