Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: I find it so intriguing that we never realize the import of this statement. You don’t have to be rich or close to someone (geographically or relationship wise) to make a difference in their life. You just have to care. You have to get out of your “busy” world and head and look around you. You can see in others’ eyes when they are in need. The center of their eyes will allow you in even if the person never says anything. It’s like the only part of them that will ask for help. Don’t miss it. Take time with people and look at their eyes. Even if you don’t see anything special, be kind and ask “what’s going on”. If you ask “how are you?” You know the answer you’ll get. “Fine” or “ok”. Try to ask a question that requires a specific answer. Listen for how rapidly they answer. Then listen for their reply. Reach out. Care about them. This will make your day (and theirs) much more meaningful than getting someplace on time.