Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: This is an interesting definition of courage. I think it helps more than some of the others for me at least. Essentially, if you’re afraid of something, you need to find something that is related to that fear but to you that thing is much more important than the fear. I look back on my life and I see how that has been true. I rarely have gotten rid of the fear but have often been able to act past it when something was really important to me. I have always had a tremendous fear of dentists. But in late 2018 I forced myself to have extensive dental surgery. Why? Because i wanted to do my attempt to cross the USA on foot and needed to have it done to hopefully prevent being sidelined because of anything dental related. That took great courage- which i was able to muster only because I had wanted to do this crossing for 30 years. I didn’t want anything to interfere. I was also extremely afraid of airplanes when I was young. I was in Vermont when my grandfather died in Florida. It was very important for me to go to the funeral for my grandmother so i had to push past the fear to get on two airplanes. Had my grandmother been the one who passed away i would have never gone because my grandfather was not very cognitively aware and he wouldn’t have known. Think back over your life and see if you can find any times that you overcame your fear!

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